Incoming Patch for Mixtures Tomorrow!


I have prepared a small patch for Mixtures to be released on Sunday, shortly after the Brackeys voting period is over. The patch includes the following:

- Downloadable windows versions of both the original jam version of the game and this new patched version. Now you'll be able to enjoy mixing potions standalone either patched or with all the fun bugs! (Mac and Linux users, forgive me.)

- The backgrounds of all the levels* have been made very slightly darker so that platforms don't blend into the background, this can be most clearly seen in Level 05 where the blending of foreground and background was a prominent problem.

*With the exception of Level 00, the main menu/tutorial level. The background of the upper room where Explosivius is found has been made darker, but the background downstairs remains the same.

- A bug has been fixed in Level 00 where the alarm would become louder after muting and unmuting it as well as a bug in the Ending/Credits level where throwing an explosive at the switch would result in the explosion exploding over and over again for all eternity, resulting in: A pain for the ears.

- And finally, the exit door and entrance door of Level 02 have been swapped around. This should hopefully make it more clear how the button, timer and exit door are connected.

Unfortunately, I could not find a way to fix the bug where you get stuck on ledges while jumping towards them, I have concluded this must be an issue in the colliders of the player or it's movement code, and I do not have the time or will to untangle that mess of spaghetti code, sorry. :(

The only advice I can give for countering this bug is to jump first, then move towards the ledge when you're over it or next to it, other than that, good luck.

Aaaaaand that's all, both for this patch and for Mixtures. This will most likely be the first and last patch for this game... Unless any more bugs or game breaking errors are found in the game, if you find some, please don't hesitate to tell me about them, I'll probably fix them in a new patch! 

Well, it depends on the bug and how much time I have but, I'll probably fix it.

Other than that, thank you for reading, thank you to everyone who played my game, thank you to everyone who commented, heck, thank you to everyone who submittted a game to this Brackeys Game Jam, my god so many of you are talented and it's been a joy to play your games! This whole jam has been one crazy fun ride and I just can't thank you all enough for it. Hope to see some of you in the future as well, either with me following your projects, or even you playing one of mine.


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